Nowadays, graffiti is an accepted art form to which many people are attracted to, whether as art creators or art consumers. In this article, we will be rounding up the best free graffiti fonts we have found while navigating the treacherous waters of the internet, so you do not have to waste precious time looking for them yourself.

Calligraphy is just as much a part of human evolution as the development of language. The two are virtually inseparable, as the earliest surviving written texts are all done in calligraphy. The word calligraphy comes from the Ancient Greek words kallos and graphẽ, the two meaning beauty and writing, respectively. That does not, however, mean that calligraphy is strictly a Western tradition.

Street art is quite possibly the most important artistic development in the last 100 years. It has effectively made art something anyone can experience and, indeed, go out of their way not to experience it, bringing it out on the streets. Street art has its roots in graffiti, which was closely connected to hip-hop culture, starting in the 1960’s and becoming truly popular at the same time as hip-hop, in the 1980’s.

Love it or hate it, graffiti has revolutionized the way we think of art. It is anarchic, untamed, ephemeral at times, and difficult. Like the impressionists before them, graffiti artists take art to the streets, only in a much more literal way. Their works show up over night, and many times disappear even quicker, erased by the authorities, in what some might call a misguided attempt at keeping the community clean.