Working as a freelancer gives you a huge amount of independence and flexibility in your professional life. You can choose your own hours, jettison difficult clients at will, and fit your projects around your family commitments with unparalleled freedom. There …

Freelancers: How to Stoke Your Motivation and Get Things Done Read more »

British award-winning writer Neil Gaiman once famously commented that, if you’re a freelancer and you’re successful at what you’re doing, the whole universe conspires to stop you from doing that thing, exactly because you’re successful, and that he once realized he had become someone who professionally answered emails and who wrote as a hobby. So the next day he answered fewer emails and wrote more.

Many freelancers experience the pull of a sunny day, socializing over a coffee or watching a movie. It is one of the drawbacks in working for yourself, that sometimes you need to keep working to meet your deadlines but you just don’t feel like working. Even when you totally love your freelancing job, there will be times when occasionally your motivation seems to disappear.

Plato once said that music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and charm and gaiety to life and everything. Obviously we as a culture agree with this statement. Otherwise we wouldn’t be in love with what used to be our Walkmen, our CD Players and that are now our iPods and smartphones.