Trade secrets are really hard to find out. Designers try to keep them as secret as they can, but to no success. Well, they won’t get any help from us. We are here to share tips and tricks so every creative professional’s dream comes to reality. We have rounded up 6 secrets designers won’t tell.

Every business, every designer needs to keep in touch with his clients, it could be just an email, catching them up to speed on the status of their projects being developed, or it could be just a friendly email promoting your new services. Make your life easier with these easy to use, user friendly email marketing tools. You’ll look more professional and they will carry most of the burden for you.

You might be wondering what does Buddha have to do with Photoshop. Well, like anything in this world, when creating a photo manipulation you really need to go all the way, and pay real close attention to detail. After all, that is what designers, photographers and visual artists in general do. Photoshop is, as you undoubtedly know, a fantastic and versatile tool for designers and photographers alike.

We can’t say for sure if “Vintage” is a trend or a recurring phenomenon that happens once a style has been gone for a long enough while. The word itself has its roots in Latin, of course, the original word being “vindemia”, which loosely translates into “to take grapes”. Furthermore, to give you a short linguistics lesson, it is an Anglo-Norman alteration of the French world “vendange”, which neatly brings us to the topic of today’s article.